Elaine Yoder

The Feldenkrais Method®


Trying the Feldenkrais Method for Chronic Pain
The New York Times article about the Feldenkrais Method.
www.feldenkrais.com/ This is the web site for the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America. www.feldenkraisresources.com/ Feldenkrais® Resources is a source for books, audio and visual materials about the Feldenkrais Method and related subjects. www.frtiberkeley.com/ The site for the Feldenkrais® Resources Training Institute. Workshops for the general public are listed, as well as trainings for Feldenkrais practitioners. www.cityaikido.com/ City Aikido, located in San Francisco, CA www.hendricksonmethod.com/ All about the Hendrickson Method® of Massage and Manual Therapy.


Awareness Through Movement®

On hiatus due to COVID restrictions.
Please contact Elaine for more information.

Private Sessions

Functional Integration®

Mondays in Berkeley office.
Fridays in Petaluma office.

New!Need to find an Awareness Through Movement® class? Find our web site at: www.communitymovementfeldenkrais.com